
board game design contest 2019

The second design contest for the Green Box of Games was held in April 2019. It was called the "Contest X" because designers were encouraged to use eXpansion content when designing games. While the contest was open to any kind of expansion, all designers limited themselves to contents from the official MMX expansion, featuring meeples and extra cubes in black and white.

10 games were submitted by 8 different designers for this contest, and the winners are…

Gold:The Golden Pyramid -and-Last Defence at Hudai Monastery
(André Heines and Achim Zien)

"The Golden Pyramid" is a worker placement/hand management game in which players are builders on a pyramid, scoring points for what they build. Plan your actions to get hold of the cards and cubes you need to build, and make sure your opponents do not beat you to it!

"Last Defence at Hudai Monastery" is a complex tower defence solitaire game, where you guide the monks of the monastery in their effort to fight off the demon horde. The cards and tiles have different actions the monks can take, and you can upgrade their technique to make each action more powerful. A few demons may make it past your wall, but too many and the monastery will be overrun and all will be lost.
Silver:Desert Dessert
(Yury Milovidov)

Test your resource management skill in this solitaire engine builder, where you build up different parts of your industry in order to finally produce enough vanilla to fulfil your contract.
 Bronze:Slush -and-Wacky Wheels
(Yury Milovidov and Stephen Jennings)

"Slush" is a clean and simple area control game where players draw cards from the deck and use their cubes and meeples to take control of the cards that score them the most points.

"Wacky wheels" is, as the name suggests, a crazy racing game where you use a combination of dice and cards to race ahead. Drop oil to make your opponents spin, but watch out or they will shoot you with a hedgehog!

Honourable mention:Attack of the Moulds (Vegard Farstad)

Control the mould growing in your fridge in this abstract for 2-4 players.

Also in the contest:

My First Christmas Tree (Pedro Dias): Draft and spend your cards wisely in order to be the best Christmas Tree decorator, in the only Holiday themed game for the Green Box

Island (Jasper de Lange): This adaptation of Inis (2016, Christian Martinez) is one of the more complex games in the contest. Deploy and guide your troops to take control over territories on the island board that grows as the game progresses. Cards represent different actions and are drafted among players each round.

Lumber Mill, Oil Pump, Sewing Machine (Vegard Farstad): This 3-in-a-row game is an adaptation of Quarto (1991, Blaise Muller)

Also check out the contest thread in the BoardGameGeek forums:

And the "Rules" section in the same place for discussions on the different games:

board game design contest 2019


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